As a part of the Low Carbon Model Town Taskforce activities of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) [ref. News No.4], study mission tours by intellectuals from APEC member economies are carried out every year, and Michi is participating the tours regularly.
アジア太平洋経済協力(APEC)エネルギー部会は、Low Carbon Model Town Taskforceの活動(ニュースNo.4参照)の一環として、毎年メンバーエコノミーの有識者による視察を実施しており、社長の河野が継続的に参加しています。
Michi spoke at the Partners Days of the Smart Cities Council. (June 18, 2014)
The Smart Cities Council of the United States had it “Partners Days” on June 18 and 19, in Dallas, Texas. The meetings consisted of exchange of information among the member companies on the first day, and dialogues with city mayors on the second day, which invited some influential mayors out of the participants of the annual meeting of US Conference of Mayors, which was taking place at the same time in Dallas.
米国スマートシティ協議会(Smart Cities Council)は、6月18、19日の両日、テキサス州ダラス市において「パートナー会合」を開催し、第1日にはメンバー企業による情報交換の会合、第2日には同じ時期に同市で開催されていた全米市長会議に参加中の各市の市長から何名かを招いた意見交換会を行ないました。
Participation in commissioned study by Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (June 13, 2014)
As a part of the Low Carbon Model Town Taskforce activities of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) [ref. News No.4], Michi Creative City Designers Inc. undertook a contract study work of field trials and sensitivity analysis of the draft indicators for low carbon towns, which was commissioned by Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre.
アジア太平洋経済協力(APEC)エネルギー部会のLow Carbon Model Town Taskforceの活動(ニュースNo.4参照)に関連して、制定を進めている「低炭素タウン評価指標」の試行と感度分析の調査業務をアジア太平洋エネルギー研究センターから受託しました。
Michi took part in a symposium organized by Japan Association for Planning Administration as a panelist. (May 31, 2014)
Michi Kohno, President and CEO, took part in a symposium titled “Tokyo Olympic Games and Smart City” organized by Japan Association for Planning Administration, which was held on May 31 in the Korakuen Campus of Chuo University.
Michi participated APEC Energy Working Group meeting as an industrial professional. (May 19, 2014)
Michi Kohno, President and CEO, participated Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation’s (APEC’s) Energy Working Group (EWG) held between May 19 and 23 in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China, as an industrial professional.
5月19日から中国雲南省昆明市で開催されたアジア太平洋経済協力(APEC)の第48回エネルギー部会会合(Energy Working Group = EWG)に社長の河野が民間有識者として参加しました。