Michi participated Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation’s (APEC’s) 49th Energy Working Group (EWG) meetings held between June 22 and 26 in Gyeongju, Korea, as an industrial professional.
EWG is a permanent body under Ministerial Meeting for Energy of APEC, and meets twice a year by going the rounds of cities in the APEC Region. “Low Carbon Model Town” Taskforce was launched in 2010, when Japan was the host economy of APEC, and ever since Michi has been engaged in the EWG activities as an author of the guideline on low carbon town for the bureaucrats in the APEC Region.
This activity has now extended to develop “Low-Carbon Town Indicators”, and Michi, based on the agreement in the previous EWG meeting, made a report on the discussions in ISO TC268 meetings, which Michi participated between June 8th and 12th in UK, and on APEC’s proposal to the Technical Committee in the meetings.