Michi Kohno, President and CEO, participated Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation’s (APEC’s) Energy Working Group (EWG) held between November 17 and 21 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, as an industrial professional.
EWG is a permanent body under Ministerial Meeting for Energy of APEC, and meets twice a year by going the rounds of cities in the APEC Region. “Low Carbon Model Town” Taskforce was launched in 2010, when Japan was the host economy of APEC, and ever since Michi has been engaged in the EWG activities as an author of the guideline on low carbon town for the bureaucrats in the APEC Region.
Michi made a report on the future plans of the development of APEC Low-Carbon Town Indicators, which are being developed as an extension of the guideline for the government officials of APEC member economies.