Michi has been appointed as Senior Research Fellow of Research Institute of Science and Technology, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University, which is one of the leading private universities in Japan.
月別アーカイブ: 2015年11月
Michi Creative City Designers Inc. hosted “Eco-Island and Sustainable Community Global Summit 2015” in Okinawa
Michi Creative City Designers Inc., General Incorporated Association Eco-Island, which locates its main office in this company, and NIKKEN SEKKEI Research Institute jointly organized “Eco-Island and Sustainable Community Global Summit 2015”, which took place in Okinawa Convention Center in Ginowan City of Okinawa Prefecture, between November 5th and 7th. This event is a revival of “Ecoisland Global Summits” which were held in Europe in 2012 and 2013 but have not been continued. 続きを読む
弊社と弊社内に事務所を置く一般社団法人エコアイランド、ならびに株式会社日建設計総合研究所とは共同で11月5日から7日に沖縄県宜野湾市の「沖縄コンベンション・センター」において「エコ・アイランド&サスティナブル・コミュニティ・グローバル・サミット2015」を主催開催致しました。 続きを読む